I think one of the clues or hints in this brainteaser is this symbol in the code.

80 or 8T or 8 = T
And so I will clue you in...DOT, DOT, DOT
Remember..... These are just possibilities. Nothing more.
An 8 overlaid onto a 0?
This is the end of my sections on the codes but I want you to look at the key to my name is cipher one more time.
Look at the symbols he used to create the code. I am not saying a name. I am just pointing out the symbols he used to make the code. MY NAME IS..... Now if I were looking for a name in the "my name is cipher"...I can't believe no one ever saw that before. There are a few things I did that I can't believe no one ever saw before. Like the bomb drawing matching the map and marking locations in an overlay. All I am saying is, that it is there. It could be nothing. Remember that!! If no one pays any attention to anything else I did please don't ignore the map overlay!!! I thought people would be excited when I found that.... but all I heard was crickets. I guess that's what happens when you are a nobody. You have to have a Ph.D. or be an ex FBI agent for anyone to take you seriously.
My family doesn't like me doing this. I can kind of understand why. This isn't just some crossword puzzle in a magazine. This is real. Real murders, real pain, real people. The potential to catch a murderer...also the potential to hurt innocent people and for people who don't know any better to get hurt I worry about all of that. Also, the potential for me or my family to get hurt. I wish I had used a fake name but when I started, I really didn't think I would get this far but things just kept coming. Things just pop in my head. I can't explain it. I will be doing more work on the Radians in the future. It challenges me I guess, is why I do it. I guess I do it for the same reason... well...I don't care if I get hurt but I do care about my family. I don't want others seeing this and thinking they might know a guy with a name like that and hurting them. If you can figure out what might be a name and you think you might know someone you suspect, don't bring it to me. There is nothing I can do. Take it to the police. Let them handle it from there and let it go. Trust me, it isn't worth it. It is for that reason I took down the second half of this post.
I have it posted somewhere else.
My Name Is Connect The Dots Part Two
My Name is Connect the Dots Part Two
The "My Name is Cipher" and Connect the dots with animations
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The Zodiac Killer Enigma |
I believe the My Name is cipher is more of a brain teaser than a code. Have you ever seen brainteasers where you have to guess a popular or common phrase? These are actually pretty common and you can find all kinds of then online, in Mensa books, puzzle books, etc...., Also it actually makes sense that "a code", so small would be something of that nature. It actually does if you think about it. Those who are dead set against it being solved in any case will come up with a thousand reasons why I am wrong because they want it to be wrong. Some of these puzzles give you a hint or maybe a set number of characters and you have to "fill in the banks" and figure out the phrase. Sometimes the characters or symbols are jumbled or mixed up to make the challenge more difficult. It is always a phrase that is common and used widely. Cliches or idioms like "think outside the box", "X marks the spot", or " fill in the blanks". Zodiac was fond of using idioms and making puns.
Here is a definition of this idiom. Below is a link to where I got it from.
It would be easy to make a puzzle out of an idiom. I made one and put it at the end of this section as an example and a challenge for people. It is a pretty easy one. First I encode the phrase or cliche with a simple substitution cipher then I give you a hint to solve it. If I want to make it even more challenging I can jumble or mix up the enciphered text. It is like a word jumble mixed with a substitution cipher with hints to get you on your way to solving it.
This one was just very hard. I like that though. (not saying I like zodiac) I have seen some very hard puzzle books in my day. I think I can find puzzles similar to this. I will search for a few and post them as comparative examples in a future post someday. There are no rules for these kinds of things. That is what makes them challenging and fun. They are only limited by the creator's imagination. Zodiac was probably a member of Mensa, and groups of people who like codes and puzzles and a fan or member of a secret society. I will take some time and put together a post with similar codes and puzzles like the ones you have seen in this body of work.
I am going to search to see if I can find some really old ones like the kind people back in Zodiacs day would have played with. I think newspapers would have been a great source for puzzles like these. I know I have seen ciphers and things on The Vallejo Times website and their articles I have seen online and some printed back when all of this took place. Think about it. Seriously...Think about it. After you read this whole section you will see I make a damn good argument for it.
I think one of the clues or hints in this brainteaser is this symbol in the code.

80 or 8T or 8 = T
I can show you an example where the zodiac did
something really similar to this very same thing, Perhaps it was a hint?
4-teen.......8T......He wrote that in that manner for more reasons than to just give us a kill count. This is from the Halloween card sent to Paul Avery. On that card, he promised to clue us in. We just have to pay attention to the clues. This clue also gives us an insight into the 340 code. On the card below the 4-teen, you can see the word "BOO"... on the 14th line of the 340, you can find the word .......BOO. The cards give us many clues. We just have to pay attention to them.
I feel it in my bones. |
And so I will clue you in...DOT, DOT, DOT
After doing all these overlays and seeing all of these dots. Then discovering something funny about the map (and a few other things) that you will see at the very end of this post I made a joke. I said, " this brings new meaning to the phrase connect the dots. When I said that I had the "my name is" cipher out in front of me. It flashed through my mind that "connect the dots" has three T's in it. It was pure luck. (Just about all of my discoveries were...at least I think).
Then I looked at the three 8 balls in the My Name Is Cipher.
You might say, "yeah but connect is misspelled, you kinda forced that". You would be right. Connect is misspelled and missing an "N" in my solution. That is something zodiac did often.
for example
You can say, " oh yeah he did it one time".
I could add a lot more but I think you get the point.
But Randall he never spelled the word "connect" with one N. Hmmmm ..... yes he did
Not only did he spell the word "connect" with one "n" as "conect"...He did it in the very same letter this code came in. Stop right now, and think about that. What are the odds the only time he used this word and spelled it that way was in the letter of the "my name is" code? He used that word spelled that way in the very same letter as this code. I think that says a lot. One more time, That snip was taken from the bomb drawing that came with the "my name is cipher"
"zodiac talking about a black dot made by a penlight"
I always thought his misspellings could be clues to his codes. I've noticed in his misspelled words he would often leave one letter out where you are supposed to use two and the add a letter where you are supposed to use one.. like "christmass".
Remember this puzzle came with the bus bomb schematic key that we used on the map and the 340. So then I wondered, "What if he enciphered connect the dots and the mixed it up. Jumbled it?" He cut the "408 cipher" into three sections and mixed it up. The code that came with the map was jumbled. The 340, the map, and the bomb keys were mixed and jumbled into different letters. He even jumbled up all the clues he gave us telling us how to solve it so it would confuse us and throw us off. while at the same time feeling superior that he had actually told us what to do. He was laughing at us. That's how he got his satisfaction. So I thought there is no reason he couldn't have enciphered the phrase connect the dots and then mix it up. When you figure out one part of the code or puzzle it gives you the clue to the next part. I believe that he thought if we figured out the rest of it all revolved around the dots that we would figure this out. Connect the dots is a very common phrase in the English language. Everyone has worked a connect the dots puzzles as children. It is a common phrase in every mystery. Police and investigators say it all the time. I hear it on the news almost every day. So I got out my pen and paper and tried it out, AND IT WORKED!!
First here is the definition of the common phrase or idiom, "connect the dots", with a few links to the sources of the definitions. It has more than one meaning, and I felt it was important to show more than one source on this one.
In my original post when I first put this online I said that was how you solved any mystery and people laughed at me. It surprised me some didn't get it.
One more source link just for the hell of it.
Of course, everyone knows the phrase comes from a puzzle where you connect a series of dots with lines to reveal something hidden.
Here is the "my name is" cipher
I wrote, "connect the dots" under the code.
Then I started matching symbols to letters. I started with the 8 balls and t's first because it was the most obvious. Then I worked the rest from left to right like a math problem. Every symbol matched up to a letter.
8 ball = t
Then I went from left to right.
A = C
M = O
E = N
E=N so N=E
N = E
Funny how an N looks like a Z on its side..cough..cough
Zodiac symbol = h
K = d
and finally double J = S
The final product
So now the code reads as " my name is connect the dots."
Now that we have the clues the puzzle becomes a "fill in the blanks" like the puzzle that came with the map. I have seen things like this in puzzle books and brain teasers. Even the Zodiac said, "he would rather us fill-up the blanks". That was a hint to these two puzzles and both gave us hints on how to possibly figure out a name. The code itself practically spells something it out for you when you apply "connect the dots to the" to the "my name is cipher". I am not going to say it. I want you to see it on your own. Here is a fun fact for ya. See that double J at the end of the cipher in the pic above. Jesse Jamez used to write his initials like that. They say he was also a Free Mason, but I don't know.
He was a member of the Knights of the Golden Circle. A Masonic type group dedicated to keeping the civil war going among some other things. You just have to research it. Not related to this but something fun to point out.
Here is an animation of the whole process
I have figured out what could be a name but I can't really post it. That doesn't mean you can't figure it out for yourselves. Just because there are some words that look like a name doesn't mean It is the zodiac killers name. It could be anyone from his high school bully, to a victim, to nothing. All I am saying is that I found this. It could be nothing and then again it could be. Who knows. That is up to the police I guess. If they don't do anything then I guess I must be wrong about all of this. Get my point? Don't go out harassing people. Nothing good could come from it. You would either be putting yourself in danger while messing up a potential investigation or harassing an innocent person. I have been conflicted about this posting since I found it.
On one hand, I could be wrong, I could be right and misinterpreting it, It could put people in danger or put an innocent person in danger who has a similar name...nothing good could from it. I don't like dealing with a name but I decided there is no harm in printing the "connect the dots" theory and leave out any thoughts on a name. Though if you see what could be a possible name then there is nothing I can do about that. It is something I would love to talk about just out of academic reasons but I am adamant..... DO NOT GO OUT HARASSING PEOPLE. DO NOT TAKE THE LAW INTO YOUR OWN HANDS. Let the police handle it and let them do their jobs. Respect the law. It is fun to talk about these things but we can not harass people who are probably innocent or on the flip side put ourselves in danger by pursuing a possible serial murderer. Even if I had a possible name there could be a thousand variables that I could point out but since we can't talk about it there is no reason to.
It could be a false name to throw us off, it could be a victim or a target. So the best thing to do is to not make any comments pointing out a possible name, Anything I say in private conversations is just my opinions and not meant to be used as on the record comments. I have to post this, but you have to admit...how badass would it be to catch the Zodiac Killer? Still, it is just a possible name, nothing more. It could have a million meanings and purposes even if it is meant to be there. It could also be a coincidence. Still, if a suspect ever popped up with that name, it would be wise to pay extra special attention to them. It would be the name of a relative or a hundred other things. We are not the police. This has to be posted because there are many people out there who do not have good sense.
Below is the key for the "my name is" cipher. It is just the key...anything else you take away from it you do so of your own accord. It is funny though.... how an "N" and a "Z" look so similar, and how an "S" and a "Z" sound the same sometimes. It just makes ya wonder. All of that being said:
If you contact me about any illegal activities, such as harassing a person, I will have to report it to the police and FBI. We are dead serious about this. Just do not do it!!!
Remember..... These are just possibilities. Nothing more.
This is what it looks like when you create a key for this code.
Strange but whatever you take away from this, you do on your own. It is just interesting. It could mean anything, it could mean nothing. The only thing that I am pointing out is, that is the key to this code...Try all of this for yourself.
This is just the code key to the "my name is" cipher and "connect the dots", but it seems like it might spell something. You can decide. Remember.....JKF WROTE. No matter what you think I ask that no one make a thing out of it. It is just an observation, nothing more. Be a responsible, mature adult, and don't do anything stupid based on this. Can I get an AMEN?
.An 8 overlaid onto a 0?
I saw the "8 ball" in the code and thought how it also looked like the number 80. Then I looked at the key and saw that 8=T.. get it ..8T.....80. Could this be a hidden clue that this symbol would, in fact, equal the letter "T" in the code? The first thing that popped in my head was a highway number. So I Googled it and found out Highway 80 actually runs through Vallejo, San Francisco, and Oakland. So then I looked at the map again. My name is "Conect the Dots".
Just a thought I had that I thought I would share. Nothing more. It is the most prominent highway on the map and all the other highways end in 80. I found an actual "connect the dots" puzzle using the map, but I can not show it to you. I had it posted once upon a time. Maybe one day far off in the future. It is just better for everyone. I actually found several connect the dots puzzles that all create the same thing and as much as I would love to show you, I just can't. that is an inside secret, but not because I want it to be, but because it is just better for everyone. Remember, this is just an intellectual project. We are not the police or law enforcement. There is a reason we have laws and people to enforce them.

eighty =80 = 8T
This is the end of my sections on the codes but I want you to look at the key to my name is cipher one more time.
Look at the symbols he used to create the code. I am not saying a name. I am just pointing out the symbols he used to make the code. MY NAME IS..... Now if I were looking for a name in the "my name is cipher"...I can't believe no one ever saw that before. There are a few things I did that I can't believe no one ever saw before. Like the bomb drawing matching the map and marking locations in an overlay. All I am saying is, that it is there. It could be nothing. Remember that!! If no one pays any attention to anything else I did please don't ignore the map overlay!!! I thought people would be excited when I found that.... but all I heard was crickets. I guess that's what happens when you are a nobody. You have to have a Ph.D. or be an ex FBI agent for anyone to take you seriously.
My family doesn't like me doing this. I can kind of understand why. This isn't just some crossword puzzle in a magazine. This is real. Real murders, real pain, real people. The potential to catch a murderer...also the potential to hurt innocent people and for people who don't know any better to get hurt I worry about all of that. Also, the potential for me or my family to get hurt. I wish I had used a fake name but when I started, I really didn't think I would get this far but things just kept coming. Things just pop in my head. I can't explain it. I will be doing more work on the Radians in the future. It challenges me I guess, is why I do it. I guess I do it for the same reason... well...I don't care if I get hurt but I do care about my family. I don't want others seeing this and thinking they might know a guy with a name like that and hurting them. If you can figure out what might be a name and you think you might know someone you suspect, don't bring it to me. There is nothing I can do. Take it to the police. Let them handle it from there and let it go. Trust me, it isn't worth it. It is for that reason I took down the second half of this post.
I have it posted somewhere else.
My Name Is Connect The Dots Part Two
Yes, there is an actual connect the dots puzzle hidden in plain sight in the Zodiac Letters. There is more than one. You might find them if you look and you might figure it out if you try. You might find a different result than I got. I actually hope people do all of these things but the danger is there are actually people out there with these names and they are probably innocent of any crimes. They also may be guilty as sin. That's not for you and me to decide... not right now. Then you may also find out more than you wanted to know. Remember..this is a dangerous man.. Just because he is old doesn't mean he is sickly (as some have said). Those bastards in congress prove that. They are getting around pretty good and they are a hundred times more dangerous than any Zodiac Killer....ain't that right Ted Cruz. Cruz around all weekend. lol sorry, I had to and I hope he sees it but in all seriousness, I do wish I could talk about the possible name I found because it is actually really good but it can cause harm to innocent people.
Not just those people with similar names (but in all honesty, they would probably get a kick out of it if they were innocent and if they were smart they could probably make money from it) but let's say I do have the name of the zodiac killer...what if some kid or someone decides to play detective and gets themselves killed. It is just dangerous in more ways than one. I imagine some read this and scoff and some laugh and think I am stupid. I am dead serious. For now, just concentrate on the key to "my name is cipher" and see if you see it. I am not saying any names but if a name is there then it is there. There is nothing I can do about that. I think that is enough for now. People who have their own suspects don't buy it anyway but people who have a suspect with a similar name might find it useful.
I originally posted all of this for the police because it was the only way I could show my work and send it to a hundred different agencies. They have seen it. They got what they needed and that is what is important. Besides..he could have designed the code like that to fool us....if anyone ever even saw it...it blows my mind I am the first. I am never the first at anything. Usually, if I get an idea someone else already thought of it, but it is my hope anyone who reads this found it interesting and I do hope it helps. Later in the future, I may put the second part back up, but if you are super interested and are just dying to see it you can always try to figure it out for yourself.....or just ask me and I might show you.
Here is a little puzzle I created to show how someone might make a puzzle like the "my name is" cipher. It should actually be a pretty easy one. I left at least half a dozen clues in it. I did not mix up the code. It is in the correct order. To make it more challenging I could have mixed it up...jumbled it... If I were a serial killer using the letters of my name to make the puzzle then I probably would have jumbled it. I bet some can solve it just based on the 2 main hints I left without even trying to decode it. One more hint..it is an idiom that I use all the time. I imagine some saying..." how the hell do we know the things you say all the time?"..lol..The clue is that it is an idiom. A famous or well-known saying or phrase like "connect the dots".So for you people who like codes, puzzles, and brain teasers...here is my challenge. Have fun with it. It is also a double puzzle.
Thank you Richard Grinell, Marcelo Leandro, Morf, and John Cecil. A special thank you to Mr. Dave Blank. You guys were kind and respectful to me when a lot of others were not. I also have to thank Tom Voigt for helping to make the info and the letters available to people like me. Even though he banned me from the facebook page.. lol..no hard feelings Tom. I am not that kind guy. I wasn't trying to cause anything. I was just excited when When I found that "v" symbol and I didn't know what to with what I had found. I wasn't trying to spam your Facebook page or anything.I was just making a lot of discoveries and wanted to share them with you all. So I made this blog. I just have a feeling, in the end, this is going to be more of a headache than anything. I cam promise everyone ..this is an honest attempt to solve the codes. If I did make mistakes they are not on purpose. I did not try to force all of this together. This is just the way it fell. I think the argument I presented and the work I have shown proves that. I think it speaks for itself. I have many witnesses that have watched me since I started posting from day 1 and friends who will back that up. This is it for now.
Make of it what you will. These are just my ideas and they could be wrong, but it is what I got and I stand behind it. Even though some might disagree with parts of it they can not refute the parts I proved. They also might help someone else. I often forget it is hard to judge tone when you are reading.
I will make a separate post for all the ideas and speculations I had posted here before and more. I took them down to make it as brief as I could and to avoid confusion.
Check out Richard Grinnel and ZodiacCiphers.com
Click here
They also have a Facebook page. Great bunch of guys.
I would recommend checking that out.
Click here
Check Marcelo Leandro and his work.
Click here
I also have to thank my buddy Timothy Scott Back
and my buddy Ben Molands for having my back and helping me with this.
Click here to read the zodiac letters on this article
He made all the codes and the keys at the same time then mailed them out one at a time the confuse and misdirect. It makes perfect sense if you think about it. All the codes are connected to each other in some form or fashion.
I will leave you all with one question.
Read this section above that was taken from one of his "408 cipher" letters. Notice the word "ram-Page". Why did he capitalize "Page"?????? Also, he could have fit the whole word on the page without hyphenating it. Go look at the letter for yourself. I wonder if that might be a hint to a victim, or could it be another name of some kind?? Either way, I bet it is important for some reason. If it is just a chance and this is nothing, then let me ask you this. What are the odd he would do it twice? Why did he do the exact same thing in the example below on another 408 cipher letter?
He sure as hell didn't have to. It even appears to be hyphenated, on the same line?? Why? What are the odds of that? What other word is Capitalized also? Food for thought, nothing more.
Click here to read
To get back to the main title page click the link below
Table of Contents
Section 1...Intro to the Zodiac Codes
Section 2...The Clues
Click Here
Click Here
Section 3... The Radians, the 66 Map, and the 340 code coupling
Section 4...The 340 Hidden Message
Section 5...The 32 symbol Map Code and JKF WROTE
Section 6...The Exorcist Letter Puzzle
Section 7...The Zodiac Killer JKF Pattern
Section 8...My Name Is Connect the Dots
2014 - 2020