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The Zodiac Killer Enigma |
We like to remind everyone that our work does not revolve around a suspect, only the codes. We hope others can use what we have found with their own suspects or their own work, that it may bear fruit for others in some way. Just don't forget to give us a mention if you do, and with that, let's begin.
I am going to look up the locations on the 340 map overlay that are marked by the zodiac cross symbols. I will post a screenshot of whatever is located at these places on present-day google earth. Whatever they may be. I am not going to try to make any connections or present and conclusions ( unless an obvious one presents itself). This project will not be completed in one night. I am going to take my time and I try to do with everything and add to it here and there as time allows.
Here is the 340 map overlay with the Zodiac crosses highlighted.
Just for fun, I tried to match up the Phillips 66 Map to Google Earth. Google Earth has a nice little overlay function. Maps back then were not as accurate as the satellite images we have today. I got them pretty close but as you can see it is impossible to match exactly. I am going to post a couple of examples just for the hell of it. It may be useful later. You can click on the image to enlarge it.
This example I made to try to help me in doing this. Don't pay anything marked on it any attention. I will redo this and make a better one later. I had just discovered the overlay function on Google Earth when I made this.
Here is the first location.
Location 1.
Mt. View
Here we zoom in just a little.
Here is a zoom. I use this triangular section of the highway as a reference point.
It falls exactly on this army reserve center. You can look this up for yourself. I am just going to point out the most obvious landmarks at the locations where these points fall...whatever they may be...if any. When I have more time I am going to see what all I can find out about these places.
The 63rd "RSC" ...lol
Here is just a little more info about this location.
Location 2.
Redwood City
Let's get a little closer.
Here is a couple of shots of the area I am going to use for study purposes. We may find out more about this area in the future. My first goal is just to list the areas first, but if I should run across something that looks interesting right off I will include it. We encourage everyone not to be afraid to do research of their own. If you find something that really should be known, let us know and we will write it up and give you the credit.
Location 3.
San Mateo....again?
I have seen this location before. The same spot is marked when you do the bus bomb schematic overlay with the map as shown below.
To check that out click here.
Here are a few shots of the area anyway. I think this area definitely warrants more research.
This is the area that is marked but it could also be something in the area that is important. He might have planned or even had activity somewhere in this area.
He marked this intersection twice. I just found out. That bomb drawing I posted a few minutes ago.. and this location... marks an elementary school!!! I don't know the history behind the school or how long it was there yet, but I found alumni of the school from the 1950s. Here are some screenshots and what little history I can find on the school right now.
I did a little digging on this school This particular school, FGES, opened in 1993, but in 1969 at this same address was a school called...FGS...Fiesta Gardens School. I found a newspaper article from 1969 that mentioned the school at this address. My goal was just to verify the school was there in 1969...and it was. Later I will see what else I can possibly dig up about it. I am going to post a few things as proof the school was here.
They have the actual newspaper pages on that site. I think I will be using this site a lot in the future. Now that all of that is out of the way let's take a good look at this school. I have to show you this. You will laugh. I know it probably wasn't like this in 1969, but it makes me ask. Are those things in the parking lot for some kind of game? It is just something I have never seen before. You have to admit...what the hell? lol
I am not saying these have anything to do with anything, but notice the compass in this next picture. They are aligned with the four directions. Just something I wanted to point out. I wonder why? That is a serious question.
I am going to do more research on this area and see if I can find any evidence of anything ever happening here, but that is for later.
I found some stuff out about the designs in the photo. The smaller ones are a spin-off of foursquare.
That's a game I haven't thought about in a long time. It is also an old game.
Which I guess means it is possible things like that were at this location back in 69. I am not saying it means anything. I am not saying it doesn't mean anything either. That is part of my question answered. Now to see if I can find out anything on the bigger designs.
I found a game called beanbag in the bucket. If I run across any more of this stuff I will add it.
On to the next location.
Location 4.
It appears that a college, maybe a park, and a couple of residential areas are in this location.
Looks like once again I have connected the Zodiac Killer to the Gypsy Hill murders and the San Mateo Slasher. I think these locations were not only where crimes may have occurred but where he planned to commit crimes. His hunting grounds.
The gypsy Hill killer dumped the body's on a golf course. The dot locations on the overlays correspond to golf courses and all of the Zodiac murders beside or on golf courses. Lake Berryessa is surrounded by golf courses. I circled the golf course in the image below. Look up the Gypsy Hill murders for yourself. They were never solved and they recently made a new break in that case and connected it to an out of state murder. I think they are by the same fellow or possibly fellows. Just my opinion. That is why I look this stuff up. To find out for myself which is what I urge everyone to do. Don't just take my word for this stuff. Look it up for yourself. See what you find. You might see something I missed.
Dumped on the 18th hole. There were 5 known murders in this area by the serial killer.
In 2014 a man was stabbed and his body was dumped on the 18th hole. It was kind of a copy cat murder. They arrested a 16-year-old who later confessed to the crime. From what I read the victim was special needs and well thought of by the community. Someone tells me they may have arrested the San Mateo Slasher. I will look into it. Still...Zodiac could have been responsible for a murder in this area. Then he nay not have been. I looked and didn't see anything about them arresting him, but I know they have new evidence in the case. They may still be working on it. You can search it and see if you find anything. Research, research, research..lol.. more in the future.
My friend sent me some links to an article that talks about the arrest of this guy. I am going to link them here. His name is Rodney Halbower. Which is weird because the initials found on that desk carving in riverside were RH. I have ideas about it, but it is too soon to get into them. Good information though. Thanks, Gregory. The article says he has been charged with two of the murders and linked to other murders out of state. It is interesting. They were 5 murders in that area. They also said his DNA was linked to "some" of the murders. Only two of the women were reported to be raped. It makes me wonder about a lot of things. Here are the links to those articles of the arrest of this guy and the stuff I just mentioned.
I want to put this screenshot from this article here. I talk about the 5 murders. Keep in mind only 2 were reported to be raped. I want you to pay special attention to the one found on Gypsy Hill Road. That is the exact location marked on this map. Also, pay attention to the woman killed in her car in a parking lot.. a lot like a zodiac murder. I have a whole bunch of "what ifs" but I am going t to keep them to myself. lol. All I can do is list the information. Keep in mind.. this guy was a rapist. Unless he confesses or they link him they're still other options on the table.
I would still like to know more about this guy. Who he was....his life story.
Location 5.
The location marked "A" also falls near this marked location. So it is basically marked twice. I need to do more research on both of them to see what else I can find. They may be linked.
Here is just a quick zoom to show this is the area highlighted. More research will have to be done on it, but I will do a quick Google search to see if anything obvious pops up.
Right off I didn't see anything in a quick Google search, but I really need to dedicate a few days to each location. This did pop up in my search. A timeline of famous murders in California. I will research each location in detail later and also study this timeline. This timeline along with a couple of others I found could be very very useful.
I did find this about Mt. Davidson Park. It is the park right next to it. I just thought it was funny(lol), but as you can see there is still plenty to research.
Location 6.
El Cerrito
Zoom in a little closer
Location 7
First...This area is also highlighted on the bus bomb overlay with a "string of bombs". It is also near one of the dotted locations on the 340 map overlay. So this is one of those locations that should be interesting. It is also possible that Zodiac thought someone would figure this overlay out (because to me it is obvious) and he is completely full of it and it is nothing more than a wild goose chase. I guess only research will tell.
I have been curious about this location myself so I might do just a little research on it before I call it a night.
What I like about the way I do things is that you find out as I find out. So no one can claim I tried to work anything to fit my theories. I actually don't really have any. I just list the information as I find it for others whom it may be useful too. Later after I study the information I list I might form a few ideas, but you find out as I find out.
Here is an image zoomed in a little closer. I will have to study the area in some detail in the future and update the post.
With just a quick search I found out there have been murders in this area. I will have to look into them when I have more time. One interesting one I want to post that is not Zodiac related, but just....messed up...Read this snip...now that is screwed up. I just don't get some people.
This whole area here is connected to the military. You can get on google earth and see all the different things labeled. One of the dots on the 340 map overlay mark this place. The golf course and Naval war memorial. It is also a Naval Weapons Station.
port chicago naval magazine memorial
I think it is funny this place is marked by a string of bombs and the Navy stores weapons here. There are also two at the war memorial itself. I have a lot of research to do on this. It could take years.
As it turns out this place was...blown up by bombs...the string of bombs could be some kind of reference to this event. This tragedy actually helped aid in the desegregation of the military.
Interesting...that link says this place is also a national park. The memorial was administrated by the national park service. It didn't become an official part of it until 2009. It is only accessible to the public through guided tours.
I would like to know the names of everyone involved. It could be a relative in there somewhere.
A shot of the place after the bombs went off. They said it was heard as far away as Nevada.
This area is marked 3 times. There is probably some connection in this area or something here we need to see.
I did find a murder in this area....and someone had already linked it to the zodiac killer.
The Mt. Diablo Locations
We can zoom in and see what is at these places. Like the summit of Mt. Diablo
Location 8.
This is the first of two locations that fall around Mt. Diablo
It says Michigan Territory Road but has been renamed to John Marsh Heritage road.
This is the guy the road was renamed after.
Location 9.
Stone Valley, Black Hills, We know it as Mt. Diablo
It marks more around this area somewhere but it is important to keep in mind that it could just be the general area. This is Danville, California. I did a quick search and saw a couple of interesting things.
More details to come on these locations as I research them. It is hard to search this stuff and find new things without Zodiac Killer stuff popping up. I noticed in one of his letters that he capitalized the words "Twisted Shoes" like it was the name of something. When I try to search it all I find is Zodiac Killer stuff mostly. lol. So keep your eyes open. It might be the name of something or somewhere...like a bar or a horse or something like that. It was just a thought and we will never know until we look. I have seen this in a couple of different references. One was with a writer and another was with an actual kind of shoe that was popular and sold in New York, I think. Both of those are solid and anyone can research them. I still believe he meant this reference as in the "name" of something.
Something I want to mention about this and make a note of. My "grammar checkers" keep wanting to put the word "on" in front of the words "Twisted Shoes". Like it was a "thing". Maybe it is the capitalized letters. Keep an eye out for things like that. Zodiac hid many things in his letters. I am not a literary expert. I have no idea what this means at this time. so, I thought I would mention it and make a note of it, just in case.
Murder Site Information
This is just a place for me to list links and other information on murders and other crimes in the Bay Area for later use. I am going to cross-reference this with other information to see If I might find anything new.
Murder Map 1
Zodiac Killer Enigma Murder Map 1 |
Murder Map 2
Murder Map 3
I believe I would stay away from the northeastern part of the city, damn. The eastern part of the town in general. Even in the old days, as you can see below.
Murder Map 4
The map above I have seen before. I found it again today on a Zodiac Killer site. This is more around our timeline, but keep in mind that the murders I am looking for didn't have to happen in 69. The locations on the map marked in the overlays could have happened at any time. I also have found timelines for murders on sites like timeline.com and other places. I also have a list of other murders. I need to compile all of this information and study it. I already see that places marked in the overlay are also marked in the map above.
I need murders in the surrounding areas also. Not just San Francisco. It sounds like a hell of a lot of work and study to me. It will take time, but it has to start somewhere.
Links to murder timelines
I guess I have to use this information, Google Earth, the Zodiac Killer overlays, and make a map of possible murders or crimes in the marked locations. I also need to research other crimes, where they occurred, and when they occurred to see if the symbols on the 340 may have other possible meanings at the different locations they mark.
You can find lots of good info on our site if you look for it. We like to collect information. It helps to understand the codes better. Not a lot of sites out there take this approach, which is one reason we do it. We are not for everyone, though we hope everyone still reads our articles.
To get back to the main title page click the link below
Table of Contents
Section 1...Intro to the Zodiac Codes
Section 2...The Clues
Click Here
Click Here
Section 3... The Radians, the 66 Map, and the 340 code coupling
Section 4...The 340 Hidden Message
Section 5...The 32 symbol Map Code and JKF WROTE
Section 6...The Exorcist Letter Puzzle
Section 7...The Zodiac Killer JKF Pattern
Section 8...My Name Is Connect the Dots
2014 - 2020